Empower Your Voice

Maximise your impact.


We cover 3 essential areas, perfect for busy individuals seeking quick results.

This is a one-to-one online session for 2 hours and focuses on three key areas to maximise your engagement, develop your confidence, and improve the quality of your voice.

The topic and outcome of the session can be established during the discovery call.


Examples of potential topics are:

  • If you're not being heard in meetings or even social situations, it's most likely due to a combination of your voice and the acoustics of the room. Projecting your voice is one way to stand out from the crowd and gain authority.

  • Effective communication is defined not so much by what you say as by how you say it! If the end result is a monotonous voice, you will struggle to be taken seriously. You can sound more engaging and ultimately change the perception of others by changing the pitch and tone of your voice, whether at work or at home.

  • With an estimated 77% of the US population suffering from a similar social phobia, Public Speaking Anxiety can have a significant impact not only on effective speech production but also on social situations and career development.

    Symptoms can range from mild (sweaty palms, elevated heart rate) to complete avoidance of the task due to a negative cognitive response and/or behavioural manifestations such as trembling and panic attacks.

    We'll work together to develop simple yet effective techniques for dealing with anxiety before or during a presentation, allowing you to focus on delivering your message authentically.


Other topics include:

- Struggling to deliver a clear and concise message due to rushed and uncontrolled speech

- Failing to command attention and respect due to a bulky and unimpressive speaking style

- Losing credibility and authority due to a thin and breathy sound

- Coming across as nervous or unconfident due to an unintentional rise in pitch

- Distracting and turning off listeners due to a nasal-sounding voice

- Struggling to communicate effectively across cultures due to a strong accent

- Missing out on career opportunities due to an inconsistent or unreliable voice

- Experiencing discomfort or pain due to speaking from the throat

- Missing important meetings or presentations due to a lost voice


To schedule a free discovery call please fill out the information below:


Alternatively, book your Empower Your Voice session now

public speaking coaching program
public speaking coaching program